The 2024 IMCBio international PhD Call will be launched on January 8, 2024. Project submission is possible until January 8, 2024. Given external administrative constraints, a single call will take place again this year. 

As in previous IMCBio PhD Calls, you have different types of project that you can submit to host a student in your team in 2024:

  • You can propose a single team project (supported by Cluster Research (/LabEx) funding). As a reminder, each Cluster Research has to organise its internal scientific priorities (eligibility, number of fellowships…) within the common Graduate School guidelines.
  • You can submit a collaboration project involving two teams from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS). Up to two doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. Important: note that this year again, to allow applicants to get a better grasp of these collaboration projects and identify a main contact, one of the host team will be presented as the main project coordinator as the second team as the collaborator. The project needs to rely on strong collaboration to warrant support by the IMCBio Graduate School.
  • You can submit a project with your own-funding (whatever the source of funding already acquired). 

And this year we propose you a new possibility

  • You can submit a team-platform collaboration project involving, a research team and a technology platform if possible from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS, note that this is not an absolute criteria). Up to three doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. These projects will have for objective the development of a new method (not incremental progress or implementation of existing processes) that have the potential to result in a methodological leap forward associated to technology transfer (in this vein a link with a private company could be a plus). Note that this action is intended primarily to support to develop new technologies and not an alternative to support existing team projects. Importantly, for these new type of projects, a validation step by the IMCBio executive committee will occur before posting of selected projects the IMCBio PhD Call web site. The PhD student supervision has to be assumed by an HDR identified as the main contact (team or platform) with the second partner identified as the collaborator.

As a reminder: each Cluster Research (/LabEx) has to organize its internal scientific priorities for LabEx funded grants following the common Graduate School guidelines. If you are interested by submitting a collaboration project (team-team or team-platform; IMCBio Graduate School funded grants), please inform first your LabEx director before sending the collaboration project to me.

For each selected project, I will need the corresponding form attached dully filled. 

Please, note that you are also welcome to advertise a project on your own funds. If you are interested, you can send me directly the attached form.

For all questions, please contact :

Gwenaëlle Graulier, PhD
IMCBio Graduate School manager

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday :
IGBMC – office 1016
1 rue Laurent Fries
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden
+33 (0)

Tuesday & Friday :
GMGM – 3rd floor
21 rue René Descartes
67000 Strasbourg
+33 (0)

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