Posts by category
- Category: Actualities
- Discover the IMCBio+ ITI presentation video!
- Symposium StraARS 2023
- Category: Awards
- Category: Call
- Category: Focus
- Category: IMC Bio
- Category: Inauguration
- Category: Main news
- Category: Popularisation of science
- Category: Research
- Broadcast of an issue of the programme CQFD dedicated to PFAS
- Prof. Michaël Ryckelynck, researcher in the “Architecture et Réactivité de l’arN” Research Unit, is involved in the research of tools for the degradation of PFAS pollutants
- Mosquito vector competence for dengue is modulated by insect-specific viruses
- NetRNA 2022 Congress in honour of Prof. Eric Westhof
- From the research lab to the Start-Up MicroOmix
- A new regulatory mechanism in viral microRNAs biogenesis
- A new family of PRR activating antiviral immunity in animals
- Category: Riboclub
- Category: Seminar
- Conférence du Dr Erik Holmqvist “An RNA pseudoknot mediates toxin translation and antitoxin inhibition”
- P3N Workshop
- 2023 μNET Strasbourg meeting
- Workshop on time-resolved crystallography with the participation of specialists in the field from Hamburg and Göttingen
- “Save the date”: StrasRNA Salon May 18th
- Mini-symposium stRas-rNa sAlon
- April 26, 2019 : Stras RNA Salon : Seminar given by Cynthia Sharma
- Oct, 08 2018 : Seminar Brenda BASS
- June, 08 2018 : Seminar Sven DIEDERICHS
- April, 06 2018 : Seminar Wolfgang HESS
- Category: Stras RNA Salon
- Category: Symposium
- Category: Training
- Category: University of Strasbourg
- Category: Workshop
- Category: Job positions
- Category: Job offers
- Category: Thesis
- Category: UPR 9002 – Architecture et réactivité de l’ARN (ARN) CNRS
- Category: UPR 9022 – Modèles Insectes d’Immunité Innée (M3I) CNRS
- Category: Non classé
- Conférence du Dr Pablo Manavella “Regulation of chromatin topology and gene expression by transposon derived small RNAs”
- Conférence de Martino Morici “Short-circuiting the bacterial ribosome: RAPPing about hydrogens”
- Conférence du Dr Wolfgang Hess “RNA-binding proteins in cyanobacteria: Relation to intracellular mRNA partitioning, cell differentiation and RNA modification”
- Conférence du Dr Daniel Wilson “David vs Goliath: Ribosometargeting antibiotics and bacterial resistance mechanisms”
- EpiRNA Workshop